The Cleary's have taken year out to live and travel in Spain. This blog is to keep family and friends up to date with the whole adventure...warts and all...
We headed to the dogfree Cockermouth waterwheel YHA and shown around by Ray the caretaker, who was subsequently introduced to Bryn - 'I don't see a dog' - so all was cool. Phew!
The next morning the fog was thick and it was cold so we drove out along the hedge lined lanes to find a nice fell walk. As we drove up a pass the sky turned purple then brilliant blue as we emerged through the fog. Apparently it was the first sunny day since Christmas...
Now thats a bit of luck!
The climb up was great, all 21 of us got to the first peak and the view across the heather covered hills was stunning. Its really beautiful. The kids had great fun hiding under ridges and rolling down the steep grassy slopes (Andy Price was presumed dead by Archie and Angus for some time though his twin brother Arthur made a mysterious appearance)
We got back down for a walk around the lake and a homemade icecream. The boys thought that was good reward for getting to the top. We on the other hand got back to HQ had a few 'slammers' and followed by some limbo variants and charades. Some ripped pants and pulled muscles from the oldies put us out of contention pretty quickly - the winner was Tom Price!
Next we ducked into Cambridge for the afternoon one day, it is nice to finally see the things that I had heard of so much - the Cam and the punts and of course the colleges and bikes. Archie consigned his future to ANU after having a wobbly at of the sign in front of Kings College - 'Please respect the people who study and work here by being quiet'! I suspect Angus wont get into the Kings College choir either if he inherits any of our singing talent. But nice to look anyway.
The boys love harvesting almonds from the trees around the house so we made a little movie...from tree to stomach. Click twice on the play button. There is sound too. Hasta Luego.
Looking across the ocean Africa loomed close. The Rif mountains are only 14km away and the fast ferry beckoned us. So the next day we hopped on the boat for our first taste of Northern Africa - Tangiers. As warned we were surrounded by faux guides the moment we got off - right pesky and I fear there was almost a brawl between drivers at the taxi stop to get our business. Funny really because we later found we only had to travel 500m to the medina! Anyway that was it for the hassling, the rest was a captivating wander through the muddle of narrow streets and lanes of the souks. It is lucky we have no room in the bags, Amber was in agony as we passed lamps, jewellery, carpets and leather - it was a treasure chest of knick knacks...
But she had a camel ride instead, much to the boys amusement!
Naturally we stopped for a sweet mint tea on a little terrace to soak up the atmosphere, and decided that Morocco needed more time. Unamimous vote. Next stop Marrakesh and the Atlas mountains in a few weeks time.
Driving home we passed Gibraltar and mere mention of the word 'monkey' has the boys pleading to visit. So after passport control there were round red letter boxes, bobbies and lots of '£' signs - and corresponding prices!
The rock however is quite a sight, the surrounding land is almost flat and it rises 426 metres out of the ocean. It is apparently one of the most densely populated territories in the world and had traffic to match. However it was monkeys we were looking for and that meant a 16 quid trip (ouch!) to the top of the cablecar. Sure enough there they were, Barbary Macaques Angus informed us.