"las carreteras son poco estrechos"

the last words we heard before we headed into the Pyrenees. Not until we met a truck coming round a hairpin on its own side of the road, which was our side too did we look up "estrecha"... narrow! The scenery was breathtaking however with small Romanesque villages sitting on impossibly steep footings, each village crowned with a church bell tower.

The most memorable nights were spent in Ainsa, an almost perfect medieval village, in probably the oldest building we have ever slept in. The view from the terrace wasnt too shabby either. Managed our first "menu del dia" without a poo, vomit, airborne egg or maniacal screaming (just kidding) , the kids did really well sitting down for the whole meal. Amber and I got to enjoy a nasty red wine (we were still very green in our choices and have since had some beautys) and three courses overlooking a Pyrenean bluff of about 2500m.

Ainsa at night was a thing of beauty...especially as we timed our visit with the festiva. Everyone was out dancing and the kids spun endlessly on merry go rounds...
We also did a 3km walk along a section of the G11 cross Pyrenees track up to a waterfall. Angus was keen to continue up with crampons and ice axe so getting him down was actually more difficult than up. Archie climbed uphill for 1 1/2 kilometres then his little legs packed it in...it was a valiant effort for a two year old. The highlight in the Pyrenees was just driving and absorbing the grandeur of the landscape as you can see.
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