Hola, buenas dias!
Neil and Kay arrived late in the evening from Barcelona to a very excited crowd...me! Kay, complete with broken shoulder courtesy of a stair dive before departure, shed a tear or two, moreso from the culmination of the long journey than my ugly mug. It was a long anticipated arrival.
The agenda was more or less set, we had to get to Madrid so we planned a week long tour of south west Spain. A people mover was needed so we hired a 7 seater citroen so I could be chauffeur and the others could enjoy the scenery. Funnily enough there was a constant battle on who should occupy the 'dickie' seat in the back row. So on with Supertramps greatest hits (for the 568th time) and off we went to strains of 'Take the Long Way Home' - live extended version.
We ended up having to coerce Kay into going shopping....NOT. The plethora of shoe shops proved to be heaven to 'Our Emelda'. Her daughter however tried hard to find a store that even stocked her size 41 clodhoppers. Neil, me and the boys spent some time together on the pavement outside admiring the old buildings and miscellaneous scenery. Neil seemed more than happy with that. He and I also managed to escape for a whirlwind tour of the Prado while the others went to the park. Amber and I had a quick merengue in the park but were rudely pushed aside by this pair of amateurs.
Once we had done the visa thing we left for our tour. First stop historic Toledeo. A very impressive skyline and jam packed with all sorts of medieval edifices. Thankfully slippery slides and swings were invented earlier than I had thought. A very nice day and great to show Kay and Neil a bone fide cobbled historic city. It was. late in the day when we took off so there was a change of plan.
We got back on the road a bit tired and decided to go to Almagro once again. I knew that Neil would enjoy a beer or thirty in the plaza major and Kay would love the Hospedarje that was born from an old nunnery. Apparently this little town was originally colonised by a number of merchant bankers and they left their mark with the architecturally stunning plaza. Making too much money back then too it seems...
Been talking to Auntie Jack Kay?

Neil and Kay arrived late in the evening from Barcelona to a very excited crowd...me! Kay, complete with broken shoulder courtesy of a stair dive before departure, shed a tear or two, moreso from the culmination of the long journey than my ugly mug. It was a long anticipated arrival.

A few beers with the family in Almagro! A somewhat sore head the next day from memory.
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