Australia seemed very flat as we drove back down to Canberra, and after a few days it seems we were too. Culture shock they say but it will pass, it always does. However it was a treat to see the family and Dot and Dave too - we got thoroughly spoilt.
So what was the best bit? - too many to say and too hard to decide - people or places, vistas or laughs? I guess bits and pieces will be retold in time when context is appropriate. The more difficult bits will become better, the terrible bits will be forgotten and the rest will be filed in our memories and be dug out with increasing difficultly as the years pass.
So what did I learn? My driving got a lot better courtesy of streets so narrow you have to pull your wing mirrors in. I learned what a bumper bar is really for. I learned that being a full time dad is hard and that I am impatient and grumpy - especially in the morning. I learned that my wife has endless patience and I married an angel. I learned that most people are kind and always willing to help when you need them. I learned the idiosynchrasies of my children and the bits that make them truly individual. I learned that I'd be buggered without them.
If nothing else I hope the seeds of adventure have been sown in to the boys and they have learned to be brave and not too scared to do the scary stuff. I hope they will buy a ticket instead of a toy. I hope they can learn how to stay happy. I hope they stay best mates.
Us, well we lived out of 4 suitcases and that seemed plenty. We didn't have TV and didn't really miss it. Amber will say I spent too much time doing this, and she is probably right. We did drink a bit more. We had some bad days and some really great days. We did lots of walking. We made new friends. We saw some great sights. We have been very lucky. There was no epiphany except that life sneaks along faster than I thought and time is such a precious thing. I think thats all we need know.
One person not with us did fill my thoughts, my friend Tim who I miss a lot. It would be nice to have one more day...
Thanks Kay and Neil for picking us up and helping so much, Michael, Tracy and Aubrey for looking after our things and especially our dogs while we were away. Also to Jon, Jennifer and Lee for helping us so much while we were off having fun. Thanks to everyone in Spain, especially Jennifer, Agustin and Gabby. Thanks to those who read some of this drivel and those who sent the odd email. Thanks to those that came to see us. Everyone is busy and we are just about to rejoin you.
Hasta luego.
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