People talk of 'energy' - we have never been in touch with things that way, maybe there is something in it...I'm not sure but every passing day leads me to wonder. The most interesting thing of all is that there are many searchers - a term I have heard here more than once. I am not sure anything is actually found, but the searching is universal and gives people a belief...it is not a utopian thing I am talking about, the highs and lows, heartbreak and ecstacy still fills lives but there is a reality here and its palpable. Somehow you get embrioled in people lives and that takes you to unexpected places. Yeah, yeah you say, has he lost the plot or been smoking Morroco's most lucrative export? - no I just think that we landed right in the midst of such a breadth of people that the days bring something new and let us see a rawer side of humanity....and that is interesting so we don't get bored. Oh and as an aside, and beer and wine are rather inexpensive here too. Salut!

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