I guess one of the concerns when we were planning this trip was how the kids would cope on the road, the general consensus seemed to be that structure meant happiness...and that structure was just about to be shattered. The early part of the trip was in and out of hotels, bungalows, cabins and aside from Thailand lots of time in the car. We have done 12500 kms since September, 12499 accompanied by the 17 tracks of ABC kids (subsequently destroyed). I have to admit that I (Andrew) got a little (Amber would say a lot) unnerved at times by driving through town and cities, the street are incredibly narrow and parking very limited - and trying to stop beside hotels to check for accommodation often meant driving around trying to navigate back whilst Amber checked the pad. Fifty five million people means a
lot of traffic and
ye olde cities mean narrow unidirectional streets.
The kids learned to swear.
Thankfully Ambers calm demeanour saved us mostly and we got settled into our new 'home' as the kids called it. Often there were only 2 beds, or one room, or noisy neighbours or bread for dinner (as dinner doesn't get going until at least 8pm) but incredibly the kids just adapted. So in a nutshell all they needed was us.
It took all this for us to discover this simple thing.
This is us on a certain bridge mentioned in a book some may have read, and below is a little movie that Archie and I made the other day
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